Aborig`inal, a. [L. ab and origo, origin.
See Origin.]
First; original; primitive; aboriginal people are the first
inhabitants of a country.
Aboriginal tribes of America. President Smith.
American Dictionary of the English Language,
Noah Webster 1828, Vol 1, page 1
Aborig`inal, n. An original, or primitive inhabitants.
The first settlers in a country are called aboriginals; as the Celts
in Europe, and Indians in America. President Smith.
American Dictionary of the English Language,
Noah Webster 1828, Vol 1, page 1
Abo|rig|al adi. 1 existing (in a place)
from the beginning or from the earliest days; first; indigenous2
of or characteristic of aborigines. — n. an aboriginal
animal or plant.
Webster’s New World Dictionary,
3rd College Ed. (1988), page 3.
Abo|rig|ine n. 1 a) any of the first or early known
inhabitants of a region; native.
b) [A-] a member of the aboriginal people of Australia 2
[pl.] the
animals or plants of a region.
Webster’s New World Dictionary,
3rd College Ed. (1988), page 3.